Mid-April News.
I have been busy for a few weeks, with visitors initially, then, with school holidays, Catriona, followed by Sam.
Catriona has grown quite a bit in every sense and is a little schoolgirl longing for her 6th birthday in a few days time. She was very happy to trot round the village visiting, collecting the newspaper and shopping. She scooted all over the place on her bike and spent many an hour (rain and sun) on the rock in the front garden – her horse. The same rock was Moira’s pony a generation ago! I sent Alison and Ian a few photos of Catriona’s “doings” and was delighted to see one this news page!
Now I have Sam looking over his shoulder as I have threatened that he will be next to star on the news page! Sam is a huge help and his big bonus is that he is willing!! We had hoped to get the vege. garden planted but the weather is against us – wet, windy and very cold……. But we have not given up and have measured the plot; Sam will work out how many rows of potatoes, onions, leeks and salad crops I can plant and, when the warmer weather does come I’ll have a very easy time following the plan!
Sam will go home on Saturday and then I’ll be busy for the summer! I shall tell you soon of our guests, the exploits of the animals and how the garden is progressing. I’ll enjoy keeping you up to date with the family - Daniel will be 1 this month too while Sean, 3 later in the summer, intimates every time we meet or talk that he is next to come to Plockton with Waddy - I’ve never been “Granny” to any of the children and Sean has altered “Lally” to suit himself!
I hope all is well with you and that, should you happen upon this “neck of the woods”, we may meet……. Best wishes, Ann