Monday, July 18, 2011

Coral Beach, Plockton: Catriona and Ann, Ruah on the rocks and Sean on the coral sand

July News


This has been the month of the flowers!  Thank you all for bringing and sending lovely summer flowers to me – Anne and Michael, Hieke, Arndt and your parents, Geert and Anna and the family, “Big John” Townend -  I do love flowers

Last Saturday I motored to Inverness and had lunch with Moira, Catriona and Sean.  The children came home with me, much to the delight of Ruah and Amber!

We had a wonderful week.  The best day of summer to date was on Wednesday and we went to the Coral beach, along with several other Plockton families and several visitors too.  It’s quite a big double beach with coral sand – not too pleasant for little people’s bare feet!  There are little lumps of white and pink coral all over the place – Catriona found a lump of about three inches across – a treasure to take home.

We spent a lot of time fishing at the pontoon.  Catriona caught two fish and Sean a huge crab!  The rock in the front garden again became a play area, with the children’s imaginations running riot!  Ruah had a lot of games of football, while Amber, a sore leg attended to by the vet and now better, watched the proceedings from various vantage points in the garden.

My niece Sandra has eight quite un-tamed Hebridean sheep and Catriona and Sean fed them for two days – a big responsibility and thrill.  The children have two dogs, a cat, a rabbit, two hens, two chicks and three hamsters, a big and a small brother, so un-tamed sheep held no fears for them!

We met Moira on Saturday and Ruah and I travelled home alone and arrived at the very quiet flat in time for tea.  The big end of the house was occupied by a Belgian family for the week.  Geert and Anna stayed here five years ago and it was so good to welcome them again.  They brought two of their three children, a friend and her daughter – when they left yesterday (how tidy the house was – thank you!), Anna said she and Geert would be back in another five years!

Tonight there are two couples sharing the house with me – from Sweden and Germany. B&B life is certainly varied and very interesting.

 On Thursday I hope Sam will arrive, probably on the evening train.  He’ll be here till after the Regatta, which ends on August 6th

Moira, Colin, Catriona and a friend, Sean and Daniel will arrive on July 30th I hope.

Till then Ruah, Amber and I will welcome guests from all over and we look forward to meeting you, perhaps?
