All of a sudden it’s long past time for me to keep you up to date with happenings at Heron’s Flight!
On the whole, till this week, the weather has been very good – temps. last week were in the middle 20’s and we were all outside planting, weed killing on a grand scale, mowing great areas of mossy (in my case anyway) grass and the occasional gardener was spotted actually sitting enjoying the warm sunny garden! I have now followed Sam’s carefully drawn plan and have (straight) rows of potatoes and leeks, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, parsley and room still for kale and leeks. The plan left space between veges and so keeping the weeds down will be easier this year, I think……
Last Saturday was the Plockton Horti Socy’s open day and plant sale – several miss-guided souls did do a tour around Heron’s Flight – knowing the standard of the gardens on the main street, I retaliated by having tea with my visitors – that took their minds off why they were here!
All the animals are in good form – Cheque especially enjoyed roaming around in the down garden – she did not discover the little vege plants, but that day will surely come! As this week is cool and damp so far, she has not been out of doors, but is very active in the front porch!
After the departure of the bikers from Germany the drive was graced by 2 lovely MG cars – I did try a photo but it was not a success, as the cars were “littered” at angles. So, Noble MacPherson and party, if you read this please send on one of the (many!) photos you took! It was good to meet you again, Noble. Remember to give Fiona my best wishes.
My little 10’ Pioneer boat arrived at the weekend. It came on top of a friend’s Cherokee, which housed everything imaginable needed for a yachting weekend and more. This weekend it also had precious cargo – Cameron, age 2, came with Dad and they stayed the night and pottered about on several boats. So now my Edinburgh contingent will name the little blue Pioneer and I’ll set about getting a little engine and trolley. Then, during the summer holidays, we and others too can take easily to the water……I shall show her to you when she is “ready for action”.
I have quite a busy time ahead - for several weeks in fact. If you are coming I’ll hope for lovely summer days and long warm evenings – and NO midges!!!
Best wishes