Dear all,
[July 3] I am going to Edinburgh tomorrow to collect two of my grandchildren, Sam and Catriona. I am also very pleased that my trip lands on their brother Sean’s third birthday! He has asked for a rabbit for quite a while, so a black floppy ear will join the family. Sean is a gentle wee soul (when he’s not taking penalty kicks!), so the rabbit will have a kind little master.
When Sam, Catriona and I arrive back here on Wednesday, we’ll treat ourselves to a "Take Away Tea" and no doubt catch up on the latest at the World Cup and Wimbledon, though neither holds any special interest now. Catriona will get her Plockton books out and choose which we shall read at bed time – and then she’ll probably visit the neighbours – her usual routine. Sam will no doubt want to have a good look at the new boat and her engine. He’s very interested in engines and so his reading can be the manuals! The last time I used an outboard was years ago – we had a trusty "Seagull" which never failed to start! It will be fun to go rowing, with the new engine as backup. The mackerel are in just now – we might catch a fish or two...
[July 11] It’s now July 11th and I have a little time to "re-group". We still have not got the boat in the water – but it will happen soon! Yesterday we went to Inverness and Sam and Catriona are staying a day or two with Dolan's sister Janet. Sam will come back by train tomorrow and Janet will meet Moira and hand over Catriona. Then my daughter's family - Moira, Colin, Sean, Daniel and Catriona (but minus Sam) will come later on in the month – Regatta time. That will be fun!
Catriona was a flower girl (with 3 other little girls) at a wedding in Plockton last Friday. It was rainy when the bridal party arrived at the church (4.00pm) but, by the time we all came out, the sun was shining and it kept on doing so. Everyone walked through the village to the bride's home and, after light refreshments, wandered the 150 metres to the village hall. A marvellous buffet was laid out and Catriona had a good look at all the dishes then whispered to me "I only like the bread". So I took myself the short distance home and heated sausage rolls which all the children – and Yarrow! – willingly demolished!
Dancing to a celidh band went on from 9.00pm till the wee small hours. Everyone enjoyed that! Sam and I eventually persuaded Catriona to give up at 11.00pm – the first of the flower girls to retire! We had all the groom's immediate family staying here, so only Catriona slept in – Sam was up to offer help at 8.00am. The family had to go their own ways – some to the Isle of Lewis that afternoon, so they had not the luxury of a long lie either! Their festivities had not finished till very late…….
I have only a few photos of the day, taken by Sam. As we were "in the wedding crowd" so to speak, we have none of the group. I shall get hold of one or two and send them to Alison and Ian. Alison may put them on the news page for me!
Today a group of four guests come from Denmark and will be here for four days. I am looking forward to meeting them. Then "Big John" drops in for three days – he’ll be sorry his friend Catriona is not here, but he should meet Sam. The diary is full till Regatta starts on Monday 24th - two very good friends come then and may have Catriona tucked in the car! After that it’s family time – my son John is busy, busy and will come later in the year.
I’m away over to Broadford now to visit Katie, my sister-in-law. She’s in the cottage hospital. We hope her chest infection will soon be cleared up and she’ll be back home in Plockton.
As you can tell, it's a very busy time!
Best wishes
PS Yarrow thoroughly enjoyed the wedding!