The weather over the last week or two has been very mixed with no two days the same. The grass is (again!) beginning to fold over and desperately needs cut. Days have been very mild and growing took off again! I had hoped to “last cut” the lawns before now….
However, the winter veg. is planted – broccoli, cabbages and kale, while rows of leeks at various stages occupy a good bit of space. The rest of that garden will have a rest over the winter and then be dug over with seaweed. The black grapes are almost ready and just need a day or two more of sunshine…
There has been of late a wonderful “world wide mix” of guests at Heron’s Flight! It has been great fun! There are still several weeks to go before bookings tail off. By then Sam (and hopefully Catriona) will be here for their October school break and I’ll be looking forward to Ian’s brief visit to Scotland and in particular Plockton!
A few days ago four stalwart lads and a cox rowed round the perch mark in Loch Carron and home in a time of 23. This was a very respectable time as the wind blew up on their homeward journey. That time may be good enough to win Dolan’s Rowing Trophy for this year. I am hoping that, when Sam and his cousins are a bit older and stronger, they will row round the perch too!
I’m looking forward to a visit from a clock repairer tomorrow. Robert Livingstone refurbished the Vienna clock in the dining room. That clock does not like being wound up and it takes me sometimes 2 days to hit the balance spot to make the pendulum happy! Worse than that, however, is the sudden stopping of the grandfather clock in the hall – it never stops…..Robert will save the day, I know!
I wish friend “Big John” a speedy recovery from this pending op. John, get back in the air, on the road and all your golf courses soon!
Finally, I’ve put another photo up and, believe it or not, all you who knew Yarrow, this is a dog called Ellie, 12 years old and living happily with her owners Judy and Desmond Williams in Western Australia. Yarrow was such a mixture – wrong ears we thought, Alsatian tail, speed and build when younger like a whippet, a”one off” we firmly believed….And here is a New Zealand Hunterway X Red Cloud Kelpie + ? I showed the photo to family and friends and asked and asked if they noticed anything strange in it – the only comments were the “new, very clean carpet”!!! The likeness of Ellie to Yarrow is breathtaking…..
Sponge continues to ask for everyone’s attention and I send best wishes