I began writing around May 13th when our good weather of April still dominated, with a couple of wet days thrown in to water the gardens! The flowering cherry at the top of the drive, in Ruari's garden, was magnificent and, for once, the blossoms were not blown across the loch! The potatoes were well through the ground and the onions thriving. Lettuce, planted in trays, was coming along. The very warm days could not last, everyone firmly believed…. And I refused to sit down and do the yearly accounts for the accountant till it was raining hard!!
I found a rather drastic solution to the moss on the front grass. Ruah was digging little holes here and there – very amusing to watch as the moss flew here, there and everywhere! But that had to stop, before someone landed in one..... So the holes are filled with compost and I hope this does not create a frenzy of digging and a little all-brown dog!
It’s now May 26 and the wonderful weather has just gone on and on! I was keeping my fingers crossed that some good days would still be on offer for Richard and Angela Hough’s fourth visit, as they are great walkers. Well there was hardly been a spot of rain in their eight days here – indeed it has been mainly wall to wall sunshine – with more than the odd rogue midge thrown in at times, I’m afraid…..
Alan and Jan Walker took Ruah for a walk and came back assuring me that she was well behaved – mark you, they are used to a Springer Spaniel!
Ruah has decided that gardening is her forte! So the lawn is having a rest and the vegetable patch now has her full attention. Sponge looks on with a resigned, tolerant air that indicates he thinks Ruah m-a-y grow up in a while!
The exterior painting, started quite a while ago, should be completed by this weekend. I am very relieved to have had it finally done. It looks good! I spoke too soon for on Friday there was a shower of rain and the house was abandoned again by the painters – they are coming back "soon" then surely will finish and remove the many ladders adorning the front lawn! Catriona, Sean and Daniel could construct a giant game of snakes and ladders out there!
Sam has been sitting his standard grade exams and he will finish in a week's time. He’s very conscientious and will do his best, we all know. I’m looking forward to his arrival, when he can be a good help and also get in some crewing in pre-regatta races. PSBSC (Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club) is 75 years old this year and happily has gone from strength to strength over the years. Dolan's trophy too will create interest and competition from the youths upwards. Hopefully younger children too may be asked to cox sometimes.
This week is fairly quiet and, as the next few days promise still to be sunny, I must help Ruah in the garden! The potatoes need more ground round them, the onions and lettuce finely weeded. I'll also dig over an area ready for leek plants and cut all the grass – again ... I am now watering day and night as even the heathers are dying. My attention is also on the shore close to the front wall – overgrown since the cows were not allowed to roam – as it is really quite impassable now. There's plenty to get on with and plenty of time too, to welcome guests to Heron's Flight.
Best wishes