Ruah is now a crew member on Piglet, our 10' tender. She stands at the bow, loving it - though she took a little persuading about all crew having to be properly dressed!!

Sean came on his own for a week. As he’s newly five, this was a huge adventure and perhaps a wee dream come true for, since about the age of two, Sean’s been ready, wee rucksack on his back, to leave Edinburgh each time I did, breaking my heart saying "come to Ploton"? So Sam, Sean and I went fishing at the pier – no crab was safe! We took Piglet out and Sean was at the tiller sometimes! His delight was obvious….. He whizzed round on his little two wheeler, while I watched with my heart in my mouth!! We played football on the front lawn – and I freely admit that Ruah gave Sean a much better game than I. We cheered Sam on from the starting line, ate from "Grumpy’s" sometimes, slept like logs and simply had a ball!
The rest of the family joined us for a week – wonderful weather, great fun and another highlight when Sam and I were left with Catriona, Sean and little Daniel, while Moira and Colin debunked for a couple of nights. Everyone survived and the Heron’s Flight crew had great fun!
When Moira, Colin and the two little boys headed home, Catriona stayed on and Sam went to Inverness to do a week’s work experience at Raigmore Hospital. He enjoyed that very much,
Catriona and I had a week together and we went on Calum's dolphin trip. It was great fun and Catriona got one very good close up photo, which I’ve put on the blog. She went to saddle club and on a trek at the Ratagan Stables too. Then Rowan and Murrin became new friends and there was much running between houses. Murrin and her Granny Meryl took Catriona swimming, complete with wetsuit. That day the wind was strong and the sea choppy - a completely new experience for Edinburgh based Catriona!
Catriona and Sam went home on Saturday, having stayed on Friday with Auntie Janet in Inverness. And now school has re-started - Fifth year in Secondary for Sam, Primary 4 for Catriona and first day at school for Sean. Daniel has still two years more in nursery.
I’m again enjoying having guests, all always so friendly and special. It is always a thrill to welcome friends back, as I did with Victorine and Didier last week. And Ian and Margaret left yesterday, having come again to Heron’s Flight, 35 years after their last visit!!! Please do not try to beat that record!
Best wishes,