Tim and Joyce Keeler are coming to stay in late August.
I should love to see Tim's truck negotiating Harbour Street, en route to Heron's Flight!
Tim and Joyce - I'm really looking forward to our meeting..
It is 8.30pm and only now beginning to get dark. What a difference the clock change and good weather make! This week has been sunny and warm, while last week, when Joyce and Moira "stuck it out" (and almost completed the 1000 piece jigsaw) was just terrible…..
Ruah and Sponge miss you Joyce, and Moira and I salute you!
The new Jazz is, needless to say, very similar to the last one, except it is sapphire blue. It has only a 1200 engine but I do not notice any difference. I got petrol for the first time today and was not certain how the cap opened – much to the amusement of my friend at the pumps in Kyle! I really must bring in the manual and have a good read.
Our computer Word assessments had us quivering. I think we all passed…. After all the years, sitting "exams" was quite a strange feeling, not enjoyed by any of us!
Swimming, often for four of us, is going well, though the early morning sessions are now not possible, as they of course would clash with breakfast preparations. However, there are two or three other options during the week.
Calum’s new "seal trip" boat is looking so very trim and is nearly ready to go. Sula Mhor, the big Gannet, will be leaving the pontoon regularly from Easter time.
Tomorrow, I’m going to Spean Bridge, north of Fort William, where I'll meet my son-in-law Colin, with Catriona and Sean. The children and I will be in Plockton in time for tea. We'll have a lovely time for several days. Sam is joining us on Monday. Catriona will have a day of pony trekking up near the Five Sister mountains while Sean and I'll do some serious crab catching! Another day we'll go by train to Inverness and visit Auntie Janet. A train journey is a big treat for Catriona and Sean – and Ruah!
All round the house has been getting a good bit of attention and the down garden is ready for planting. Dan came down a couple of evenings ago and did all my bonfires. We have no other way of getting rid of big garden rubbish. Recently however, we moved a step forward with very blue dustbins for paper, cardboard and squashed plastic rubbish.
The lawn mower started first time – it is an amazing machine! But the hedge trimmer gave up the ghost just as I began to deadhead all the heathers and the strimmer is sounding its age!!
So Colin is bringing replacements and I'm taking him the "Mantis", which is a little petrol plough among other things. Dolan made good use of it, but it is far too heavy for me to drag along…..
The children and I will have a lovely time till their return to Edinburgh. Catriona will be nine just after school re-starts and Daniel will be four soon after.
From Easter weekend onwards, Heron’s Flight will have many visitors, I’m pleased to say! I look forward to meeting you all. Some hard work is going in to the training of Ruah and Sponge in preparation!! It was so wet last week that Joyce and Moira did not enjoy a walk, though there were some high jinks on the front lawn, with little Meacha from next door joining in. Ruah did not get a chance to remember her village tour route! She’ll be ready to take you, however…
Best wishes
You probably know here is a serious virus warning going round and I have decided that to open some emails, which might be about a booking, cannot be done, as their "Subject" gives no clues! If you contact me, please put dates (e.g. September 7, 8, 9.) in the "Subject" then I shall know to open it. This will be very helpful, thank you.