Last Monday Catriona and Sean (who had been here for mid-term) and I said cheerio to Richard and Angela Hough, now old friends who have walked this whole area. You can imagine my trepidation before their arrival, as long daily walks really need quite good weather – and that had been in very short supply since around the end of June!
Believe it or not, the week was good, despite a more than mediocre forecast! Angela and Richard walked their socks off, while Catriona and Sean spent a lot of time out of doors – hours of it on their "ships” (the rock in the front garden which, after all, is only some 20 feet from the high tide! We went on Sula Mhor with Calum but seals were scarce! However, Catriona met Rachel on board and a new friendship was cemented the next day, when the three children played for hours outside. In the dim and distant past we used to exchange addresses and telephone numbers – a one line email address is now all that is needed!
Since Catriona and Sean went home (there was a change over with Colin at Spean Bridge), I have closed for the year and Calum has moored Sula Mhor at the pier for the last time in 2009. I spent the week tidying in the garden and it is not nearly finished yet! One reminder of the very wet weather this summer is the amount of moss everywhere, especially on the drive and pathway towards the workshop and beyond the gates near the Post Office. I have a huge spray container at the ready – but will the 24 hours of dry conditions ever happen now, to ensure the good working of the very expensive treatment?
During the two weeks Alison and Ian were here, Ian spent some time making scale drawings of the flat and paper models of some of the furniture therein. As Moira is flitting to a larger house, I can now offer a bedroom suite and various other pieces which all came from Bathgate, when “Bruar”, where we were brought up, was sold nearly 30 years ago and Granny came to live at Heron’s Flight, in the flat created for her.
I plan to “swop” rooms round in the flat and have the existing front bedroom as a sitting room. When I go south I’ll choose a few essential pieces of furniture, which I know will fit, thanks to the scale drawings and tiny models – Ian and Alison, what invaluable help! I’ll send photos and hope you visit to see for yourselves. The kitchen/dining room needs a revamp and that will be done in phase two. Only then I’ll ask the animals if they like it!!
This upheaval in the making will go on probably at the same time as my present kitchen/sitting room are torn apart, de-humidified and restored. That work may begin on November 16. ( Have you any idea of the paraphernalia one stores and “has to have” in kitchen cupboards and drawers? Having emptied mine, I tell you my kitchen “essentials” do not fit comfortably in the dining room here – on table tops, chairs, floor surface, window ledges…) But it is a necessary operation, so that the kitchen cupboards, tiles, work surfaces and plaster can be taken away.
Ruah and I plan a short trip to Edinburgh soon. Ruari and Marie will keep Sponge company – he has opted for this, by the way, rather than put up with three children, one dog, one cat, several hamsters that he is not allowed to eat, one house rabbit bigger than himself and one hen. Sponge is no fool!
Sam will come north with me, for a PSBSC meeting. If the workings here have not begun, I may run him home, as I love his company.
The village bonfire on the island is always a grand affair and we all congregate to see it lit, by rocket. The fireworks are beautiful and may this year be reflected in the incoming tide, if the night is still and dry…..
Alison has “tweeked” the website which I think is very special! Thanks, Alison. Do read through it and send any comments…….