Tuesday, March 07, 2006

March News

March News

Quite often I start with a weather update and it’s no exception this month! February was a good month, exceedingly dry and with many sunny days. Ten days ago it was noticeably a “different” cold - and the snows came. Schools were closed all last week and only the desperate attempted the 6 mile journey to Kyle! The gritters did their best to keep roads clear, but our corner of the village is obviously not part of the contract! So the 7+ inches of pristine snow lay quite undisturbed till a slow thaw began two days ago. Had Alison from Toowoomba been here, Heron’s Flight would have been surrounded by snowmen and Australian whoops of glee would have been heard from as far away (or further) as Edmund’s paper shop!!

Today the drive is almost clear and John could get his van packed for his return this afternoon to Edinburgh. During his week here great works were done, the two of most note being the new wall covering for the west room shower area and new windows in the barn on the Brae. I am delighted to have had so many things done so willingly and how I enjoyed cooking and John’s company….. I was not the only recipient of special treatment - Yarrow and Sponge had a good extra dose of love and attention too.

A week before the snow arrived, Catriona was here and, though she would have enjoyed the snow, I think she had a better time! She and Yarrow were out a lot and all of us put in a few miles when the bicycle came out! As the village was very quiet, Catriona was able to cycle “solo” to the village hall and down to the point at Rhu. I accompanied her many times to the shop, to collect a newspaper and to pop in for a visit to various friends. Catriona also made two trips alone to the shop – she is growing up fast… We had two trips to beaches. At Dubhard Catriona discovered “rockaneering” and her new word will be part of the MacKenzie language from now on! The Coral beach expedition will not be forgotten soon, as the path was no more and we ploughed through thick, clawing, deep mud to get there – perhaps half a mile each way – ugh! We were up to the top of our wellies and poor Yarrow swam along through it (yes, the car WAS a mess when we got home!!) Evenings found us stoking the fire, reading, drawing and playing cards - Catriona’s a demon at Pelminism!! It was a magic time and I was sorry to deliver her to Edinburgh, where I stayed one night only, as the forecast was poor (and correct!) I t was very good seeing all the family, however briefly

John Townend, my first guest of 2006, arrives on the 16th. I am looking forward to that and to two other early bookings. So the long winter hibernation is nearly over…. It is already quite light till nearly 7.00pm and the extra hour of daylight from the 26th will catapult us all into “active mode”!! The garden is wakening too, and, though snowdrops, crocus and iris are presently snow covered, catkins and daffodils bloom bravely.

Till around Easter time, I hope you all keep well………….Ann.

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