I know as one reaches more mature years, it does take longer to grasp any new process. From today I s-h-o-u-l-d be able to change spelling errors and even send you a photo regularly - we'll see!
If I write it all down in words of maximum two syllables, remember another few words of computer language, read the email notes I've received from Australia and try the processes more than a couple of times in the year, then we've cracked it, Alison (in Toowoomba!)
I'll put the theory into practice now and rub out my mistakes and find an "upright" photo to replace the sailing boat "Curlew", which at present lies on it's side!!
Catriona, last summer, had her first helming lesson in "Curlew", an old clinker boat which sails in Plockton Regatta. Malcolm and David were her instructors - Malcolm is Catriona's BIG cousin! He's also a fully qualified sailing instructor, or he might not have been trusted with such a precious six year old skipper!!
The days are slowly stretching and there is a noticeable difference in the evenings - when there is a clear sky, which has not been very often..... We did miss the horrendous storms which battered the south recently. There has been no snow in the west either. We've not had good weather - but it could have been a whole lot worse.
I hope you have the promise of Spring?
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