It’s just six weeks since 2007’s 1000 piece jigsaw was started and it is completed! I must thank Di and Cid, Jan, Russell (fanatical!) and Mary and Al (equally fanatical!) What progress was made with only a little lost sleep by some!! The nearly finished Highland Cows were well hidden during Regatta fortnight, when Moira and Colin, Sam, Catriona, Sean and Daniel were here. But yesterday Jim popped the remaining pieces in place. I’ll get it framed and show it to you.
The time has just flown and the family is now back in Edinburgh; we had a wonderful fortnight, with so much to do in fairly summery weather! Sam did some crewing and was in the winning boat when Calum, who skippers the Argus seal trip boat, won the Ex Commodore’s race! Catriona went horse riding and got the taste for it – not surprising in the least, as Moira had horses from the age of four Sean was everywhere around the garden and enjoyed some freedom, visiting neighbours with Catriona, while Daniel joined in as many ploys as a two year old can! Piglet was frequently used, with engine and oars, while most of us could be found in the evenings fishing from the pontoon!
Moira and Colin did steel themselves and “left home“overnight – and they did not phone too often! All went remarkably smoothly here, with Sam patting my head from aloft and assuring me we were doing a good job! I’d do it again, for longer and I think that the parents would now venture further and for more than 24 hours!
Catriona stayed on for another week and had a packed schedule – dancing in the street on the last day of the Regatta, horse riding, rowing Piglet, swimming, going walks and visiting. Then I took her to Inverness to spend a few days, with Auntie Janet, Uncle Stewart, Uncle Don and Cousin Hamish – I know she had fun there! She’ll be back home today and school restarts on Wednesday.
The weather has deteriorated in the last day or two and today is cold, wet and windy. I have plenty to do in the garden – but not today! My visitors from New Zealand are remaining very philosophical and I hope French arrivals tomorrow can do the same.
I am very lucky to have such interesting guests choosing to stay at Heron’s Flight! Perhaps I shall meet you sometime?
Best wishes