Last May Alan and Jan Walker took a very young Ruah for a little walk – I suspect it was the other way round!
This May Alan and Jan came back to visit and after the walk I was assured that Ruah behaved impeccably.
Alan and Jan – we hope you had a good flight south this afternoon and we hope to see you in the not too distant future.
Angela and Richard Hough, here again and at the same time as the Walkers, have again been lucky with the weather. Despite factor 25 in abundance, they came home this evening, having “marched up and down the mountains” around Sligaghan looking extremely healthy and very pink!
Ruah’s new fleece arrived yesterday and it is a huge success! It is under the hall table, by the kitchen door and I’m determined that she’ll sit/lie there while breakfasts are in progress at least. Already she knows “mat” and goes there with me. Yes, yes, she gets a small treat!!
After the unbelievably bad weather last week, everyone is thoroughly enjoying the best sunshine in the country – and we have more to come!
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