[This photo taken by me on 20 December, 10am from my doorway!]
2009 has been a busy year for the Family.
Spring, summer and autumn found me, as usual, having fun with guests. Many are old friends now and others on the way to being just that too. It was a very busy time, with more visitors than in past years coming to the village.
It was certainly NOT the prolonged good weather which drew people towards the north west of Scotland! Yes, the early part of the year was excellent, but in summer, autumn and now at the beginning of winter we have endured rain, rain and more rain, with the occasional gale thrown in for variety!
The fruit trees had amazing crops of fruit and we all tried every apple and bramble recipe ever devised. Most of the apples landed on the ground with the frequent strong winds, so picking was dead easy!
For the first year ever, the black Hamburg grapes in the greenhouse mostly rotted on the vine and the veges. were, in general, very poor. The ground was waterlogged. Moss has grown on the drive and paths and I am loosening it with a stable brush now. In spring all the surfaces will be doused in moss killer, as, though it may be a pretty colour, it grips tight and is very slippery.
The family in Edinburgh is all well. John was up for a week in September – lovely! Moira, Colin, Sam, Catriona, Sean and Daniel were here for Regatta fortnight. Sam came and went several times and Catriona and Sean came on their own in October. I have been lucky to see so much so them all in Plockton. I went to Edinburgh two or three times too. Indeed I’m going for a few days at the beginning of December, as well as for Christmas.
Sam’s in his final year at school. He was dux of 5th year at the Royal High, so we are all quite proud of him. He is going through interviews at present, for the Scottish universities – we’ll see what happens as he is young and may have to tread water for a year….
A real highlight this year was Ian and Alison’s visit in September. It was a wonderful time for me! I do not see nearly enough of them – partly my fault, I know. Toowoomba is only a day away……
The animals are such good company and are always around me. As I sit in the kitchen writing this Ruah is on one bean bag and Sponge the other. They are good friends with old Sponge definitely in charge!
I hope that you and your family have had a good year, with good health and happiness all round.
Have a lovely Christmas and the very best of New Years!
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