Thursday, May 08, 2014

May 8th, 2014 - a busy month has just passed

May 8th, 2014.
It has been a busy month!

Catriona and Sean bounced off the night train, having enjoyed their first unaccompanied trip north. They had only three full days here, as Sean had a football match to win? on the Saturday. We did a lot of visiting, decided that it was too early in the year for crabbing (having caught only one that was far too small to be away from its Mum!) and had a trip to the Isle of Skye. Ruah and Amber were so pleased to have the children around! I was delighted that Amber was well all the time – she was Sean’s cat initially and he gave her to me a long time ago when I saw a mouse! I ran Catriona and Sean to Inverness, to catch the train south. They were home by tea time!

After a couple of days watching Amber’s condition deteriorating, I once again visited the vet who agreed that we had done all that we could for her. Her total blindness would never have been a problem, but her kidneys had failed. It is an odd house without her and little Ruah still looks for her, especially when the bean bag they shared is only half full. They were the best of friends. Amber’s forebears were almost certainly wild cats and she resembled them greatly – happily not in nature! I’ll put up a photo of her in the garden, with others and you’ll see. In the meantime my sister-in-law found this not-very-good photo of her in typical indoor pose.
Amber with Alison 2013
Amber with Alison, 2013
Ian arrived on April 13 and the weather improved! We had a marvellous time, not really doing much but thoroughly enjoying the time together. We did do a little visiting and had friends for dinner – Ian’s Banana Pipette was a huge success! The time just flew and soon we were travelling south to Blackburn, where a cousin lives. I travelled home next morning, having had a very brief visit with Moira and the family. The house was so empty….. Ian visited an Aunt and three other cousins before flying off to Canada for another visit. He will be tired when he finally gets home to Toowoomba – he’s going via Tokyo and is looking forward to that.

Now Heron’s Flight is bustling again and I have friends Angela and Richard from Buxton in Derbyshire here for some days. They have been joined by Gordon and Karin who stay at Morar, near Mallaig. (Gordon, I got the replacement light bulb in Kyle – steps needed!!!) Rabbie’s Tour guides come and go as well. They are all young, full of enthusiasm and I very quiet guests! I am amazed by the necessary talents they show. Besides manoeuvering a fairly large (16seater) vehicle along our non-too wide and very twisty roads, they mend windscreens (with nail varnish!) and PA systems which fail! They are all very enthusiastic and their passengers, from all over the world, must enjoy themselves.

The weather is now mixed – but we did have a wonderful spell when the hoses were out!
Today I am having a visit from Anja and Stephan who have stayed here before. Now, as they bring Alba their dog, they self-cater. Saturday sees the annual visit from Ann McGregor, an older cousin on my father’s side of the family. She’ll come with one of her four grown up children. They travel on a special day trip train from Perth? to Kyle. So I nip to the station, bring them here for lunch, catch up on the McGregor news and get them back to the station in time for the train on its return journey. Ian has the middle name “McGregor”, as did our father.

Next week is quite quiet, but Marian and Grant Bamberger are returning – I look forward to seeing them and perhaps you too?
Best wishes

PS. Is there anyone out there who will come for a weekend’s “holiday” and sort out my TV system? It really needs a touch of genius, I fear…… Perhaps a weekend is not long enough – I’ll extend the offer!


Anonymous said...

Dear Ann, thanks for sharing your lovely home with us, it was a most enjoyable and relaxing break; much needed! We were unaware of problems with the TV system, sorry, Gordon may have been able to assist. If there's anything he can help with, please give us a call or email. Take care and thanks again. Karen & Gordon

Ann said...

Hello Karen and Gordon
I'm just delighted that you enjoyed yourselves!
Come again when you can....
In the mjeantime, I'll battle with the TV system here - too complex to begin to explain. At present I'm almost ahead, with only three TV's malfunctioning!!!