Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13th, 2014

Computer confusions and News.

After writing and saving a letter to you, I went to put it up on the site and – lo and behold – there was Ian and Alison’s address, in bold letters, just I had written and printed off earlier in the day – and I had not saved it…..
There was and is no sign of my letter.  In my documents the title “Blog, 12 August, 2014” is there and the Australian address is all that appears.  Now, had I even saved that, I might begin to understand all of this……  All I do know that an evening’s typing and talking to you has just vanished…….
So off to bed I toddled.  Well, I’ve given that up and here I am beginning again, though it’ll likely be sometime a good bit later when I finish…….

It has been a very good month, with the family coming and going.  Sean and Daniel came at different times, Sean to do stage 3 and Daniel a revision of stage1 (last year the wind just did not blow during his course, so no actual sailing was possible) of the RYA Youth Training Scheme.  Sean did well to pass, not having the advantage of the local children, who sail regularly in club nights all summer. 
Daniel passed too and then, as he was here most of the school holidays, enjoyed sailing in a club night, crewed in an RS Vision during Regatta and was crew and sometimes ballast when the unique “local boat” fleet raced.  He will be good too.

Catriona came and went and came again.  I was delighted when Becky and Amanda Sweenie came for Regatta weekend as they are very near to Catriona in age.  And, as usual, Catriona’s friend Heather was here from Singapore, so a little gang of teenagers was around the house! 
The children, as usual, painted the sail, on a double sheet, for the Ragamuffin Race – the last race traditionally of the fortnight.  See the photo at the top of this blog post! The sail was judged the most topical and the five “artists” – from the right – Catriona, Amanda, Becky, Daniel and little friend Alistair were so chuffed. Note the spelling “mistake” which was corrected!  

 Each boat can have a maximum of five with an adult to help with the deal of rowing involved in the Ragamuffin event.  Our boat, Saranna C, had no adult to row and give advice – mistake!!!  Next year we’ll capture an unsuspecting sailor for the job!  Of the eleven boats out, Saranna C was 6th overall – a good effort in fluky winds and with some very young helmsmen.

Going back a little in the month, Colin found time to come up and do amazing work on some bits of the garden drastically needing cut back.  Daniel was here too then and he lopped a tree and bushes at the rock, so I now have a much better view of the sailing!
Moira came for the last week.  The weather was still quite good – it had been very hot and sunny so the ground was tinder dry.  We did little travelling, though one day saw us going to Portree where we visited Margaret MacKenzie, who launched Saranna C for Dolan….   “Piglet”, our 10’ little boat, was launched and Moira, Catriona and Daniel made good use of her.  Sean all this time was preparing for a football festival in St Andrews.
The time just sped by.  Friday evening everyone went to the Regatta concert – very good as usual.  Saturday, after the Ragamuffin race ended around noon, the traditional street dance began outside Plockton Hotel.  And that evening there was more music at the Plockton Inn!

Sunday saw, I imagine, about half of the population of Plockton packing up to go!  Moira and the children left at noon and were in Edinburgh at 5.00pm.  The Sweenie parents and little Duncan came and collected Becky and Amanda in the afternoon and by evening Ruah and I were left looking at each other ……

However on Monday guests arrived and this week Kristel and Mark (Paul!) have been, Ava and John off their beautiful yacht moored just outside and tomorrow Dominik and his party arrive from Germany.  It is lovely for me to welcome so many people, for all over.
Perhaps you may think of visiting too – Ruah and I should like that very much!


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