Sunday, January 25, 2015

It is now late January, 2015

January 26th, 2015
I came home, from Toowoomba, Queensland,  on January 16th, stayed a couple of nights with Moira in Edinburgh and limped home through snow drifts and snow blower at one point on Tuesday.
 Ian, my brother had become very unwell and had a worrying spell in hospital in Brisbane – about one and a half hours from Toowoomba.  So I decided to pop over and do a bit of baking for him!  I would have gone without the baking bit!
I was there for five weeks and was delighted to leave for home, knowing that Ian is feeling/ looking/just is better, though he has some eating to do to put on a bit more weight……
Five weeks in Toowoomba is not hard to fill!  Christmas was the first excitement, when Sam, from Edinburgh, finished a placement at Westmead Hospital in Sydney and arrived for a few days – not knowing that I was there!  We had fun!  And Christmas Day was special for us, being with Alison and Ian.  The temperature was in the mid-high 20’s, a bit different to home, where there was  snow, wild weather and  damage in Plockton thanks to 100mph gusts from the south west and no power for over 48 hours too.
And there were we, languishing in the sub- tropical climate, where storms can be seen coming, happening and going in little time.  I think the weather predictions are so accurate and amazing……
Sam flew home on January 3 and began Uni. on Jan 5 – his last half year of university, hopefully.  He loved Sydney, the placement, the people and I shall be surprised if he does not return!
I pottered around; I gardened and watered and watched plants, bushes and lawns grow as I stood there; Ian took me to the shopping centre of the city and dropped me;  I got “home” by taxi and bus, the latter much more fun, as one can get dropped off at one’s house – what a smiley service that is; Ian and I watched tennis and cricket, so now I know quite a bit about the latter!
Alison all this time was out to work……  She has a long day, which will finally end when she retires at the end of March.  I know her position in the library in the University of Southern Queensland will be difficult to fill.
Ian had long since brushed me aside and was making the evening meals, which I never really got my head round – a lot of steaming goes on!– Ian does weekdays, Alison weekends – and I did as asked, which sometimes was not a lot!  Alison, how I shall miss the yoghurts!  and avocados!!  and Mangos!!!  I hope you think back with affection on the “fish cake” evenings!
I am back with seeds and bits of plants and bucket loads of hope!  When the light and weather improve I shall plant them all and hope that some at least will germinate…… Thank you also Mal and Ros at no 3 for providing seeds and names too!  Give Stella and Tilly a lot of pats from me, please…..
Then I flew home from Brisbane, Ian now feeling well enough to drive the one plus hour trip to the airport.  I was happy leaving, though I did appear so! as big brother is so much  more himself again………   
The journey was tiresome – to Dubai, London and Edinburgh, with two hour stops between flights.   I was very glad to see Moira!  So I had another celebration with family there and headed north last Tuesday.  I have spent most of the time in bed, as some bug knocked me down – very unusual.   But all is well again and tomorrow will see me busy – checking 35, listing spring cleaning jobs, hoping the plumber WILL come to sort a leaking overflow pipe, storing cases and rucksacks, etc.
Thank you Ian and Alison for having Sam and me…..  Thank you, Moira, for ferrying me when necessary.  Thank you Karen for staying in Heron’s Flight at times, especially when the real gales blew; and Mairi, thank you and your Mum for sharing Ruah all the time I was away.
This may not be my last adventure – OK, everyone?
Slightly early – Happy Birthday on the 27th, Ian!
Slightly late – Happy New Year to everyone.  Please do visit me!


Unknown said...

Happy New Year Ann, we hope to see you this year perhaps,love from Elaine,Ian and Jasmine from Dundee xxx

Ann said...

Thank you Elaine for the good wishes. I hope too that we may meeet soon!