Saturday, November 19, 2016

Into winter, 2016

The standard link to my website ( is still experiencing hacking issues, but please go to and all should be well. My monthly news is not affected. I am very sorry for this continuing problem, which will be sorted.

Time is certainly winning at the moment! It is simply spinning past and December, such a long way away recently, is just round the corner...I said goodbye to my last guests of this year at the end of October. It has been a very enjoyable time, from April on. I met people who enriched my life, old friends and new. There are so very many of you -  too many to name. Thank you all.......

Instead of creeping into hibernation, which I must admit had seemed like a very good plan at times, life has become very busy again! As the wonderful weather disintegrated I hurried to get all the laundry from Heron's Flight and “35” Harbour Street finished and just ready for use next year. The worst job every time is not the many sheets or downie covers, but the under pillow cases which are machine stitched on. So that is undone, the cases are laundered and then I machine stitch fresh cases on – thirty four times, this year! But the weather was windy and dry mainly – bonus!!

Alison and I had chosen windows for the west gable and two kitchens and I got word that the fitters are coming on Friday! Really looking forward to this.....
And while Moira and Daniel paid a welcome visit, we spoke to a heating engineer who agreed to completely change the water system here – from six tanks and elderly piping to mains water and an efficient boiler. John and his lovely daughter Rianna, apprentice, are at this time re-piping, having cut off all water from the old system. They spent many hours crawling about under the floors, following a maze of pipes and making sense of it all! The only part of the old system I am a bit sad about losing is the boiler behind the open fire and back to back with the Raeburn. A very small sacrifice, as over the years there have been three burst tanks/pipes and I want no more!!! They will also separate the workings between the two parts of the house, as Dolan and I had always regretted this not being done.

Meanwhile I am in Edinburgh for a few days. Moira has a residential course to attend and I can at least make sure the young ones get out to school on time and make meals – or as last night, suggest a take away! And I can feed the animals – four, yes four dogs, two cats, a rabbit, hamster and two hens......I'll be home next Thursday, with plenty to do when the glaziers have departed and the new heating system is completed.Hopefully next month I can report that this is all done!

Are you battening down the hatches before winter? We have had icy roads this week and on my drive to Edinburgh there were a couple of inches of snow lying on the higher stretches of the road. The hills, all snow-covered, were magnificent.....

It is difficult to think of the coming year at present. But time flies and I shall look forward to hearing from you. Maybe you will be thinking of a holiday in North West Scotland. I plan to take bookings from January 1st on....
 I also hope to write and send many friends a short Christmas letter – now, this always terrifies me, as batch sending never goes smoothly at Heron’s Flight!  I shall be thinking of all my friends – but if my Christmas wishes arrive by email, that is a bonus!

Ann MacKenzie
Heron's Flight
IV52 8TL
Tel:01599 544220

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