In my June letter, I hoped to have finished my treatment by the end of the month and I planned to go to Edinburgh for Sam’s leaving school ceremony.
Well “the best laid plans, gang aft….” and mine certainly did just that! I was in hospital for three weeks and finally got home on July 14 (pretty shell shocked and wobbly! John collected Ruah (holidaying in luxury with Janet, Dolan’s sister!) and me and stayed a few days in Plockton. Then Sam and Catriona arrived and that weekend Moira and little Daniel came overnight and departed with Catriona. Sam and I continued to make a good team here.
The PSBSC annual Regatta fortnight has just finished and Sam’s been out in most races, taking his turn at the Rescue Boat Shed and as a line official. We do meet quite frequently - meals, some evenings, and breakfasts! The most exciting race for us to date was the “Johnnie Ruari” tray – for sailors aged 16 – 27. Sam, in “Delight” won it!
The “Moira Gang” – Mum, Dad, Catriona Sean, Daniel and two dogs – came for the second week of our Regatta fortnight, Colin had to leave in the middle of the week and took two dogs, so things were somewhat less frenetic after that!
Catriona, Sean and Daniel, with two little friends, competed in the final race of the fortnight. In the Ragamuffin Race the sail has to be painted by the crew and they must sail the boat, though a big person can be in the boat to row when necessary. (Malcolm MacKenzie, in full kilt outfit, graced our boat The” Nancy “, did well to come fourth - out of five! However none of the crew had ever been in such a race where one has to pull ropes and steer and run before the wind, so they were delighted. They won a prize for the most humorous sail too, so a great morning was had by all!
Sam and Catriona, who stayed on after Moira, Sean and Daniel went home on Sunday, go home for good tomorrow as school starts soon and Sam will need some time at home before going to University..
I shall keep you up to date with further happenings in our neck of the woods and be a much better correspondent than of late.
It has been very pleasant meeting old friends who happened to call at Heron’s Flight, so if you are in this part, do ring the bell - Ann
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