Friday, September 17, 2010

September already ....

I began the letter below a little time ago,but events have intervened.
Moira phoned on Monday to tell me that John had died at 3.30. He had been at work and just not felt very well; went outside and collapsed. He never regained consciousness.He was only forty three.

I shall always be grateful that John was home for a few days just over two weeks ago.

I will write you later

I’ve taken quite some time to settle down on my own, with little Ruah for company of course, after being surrounded by people in hospital and then cosseted by all the family for several weeks. The house seemed too big, the garden even bigger!

However, things have shrunk to proper proportions now and everything is much more comfortable – even the midges have backed off!

My specialist has decided that my final treatment should be at home, with courses of tablets. I do not have to attend hospital and three week checks can be done at Broadford Hospital, on the Isle of Skye. This will go on for a while, but it will not stop me doing anything and I may jump in the car sometimes and go visiting!

Little Daniel has started school. So Sam has just left High School, Catriona is in P6, Sean P3 and Daniel P1. Sam begins his University course on September 13 …. Peculiarly Sam is in the same Hall of Residence that John was, twenty five years ago!


Sally Shuster said...

Ann, we think of you often. Our hearts go out to you and your family at the loss of John.

Hope your health will continue to stabilize and we will be able to see you this next year. Take care.

Our best thoughts to you,

Sally & John Shuster

alan & jan said...

Dear Ann, what a terrible shock for you and your family and our thoughts are with you. Alan & Jan Walker