Saturday, December 12, 2015

Happy Christmas Everyone!

         Last year I headed to Toowoomba for Christmas with brother Ian and his wife Alison.  It had been going to be a surprise but Ian’s deteriorating health made me think he should know.  So he met me at the station – Greyhound bus for the last leg, from Brisbane to Toowoomba….  Sam, doing his Elective in Sydney, flew up for Christmas, not knowing that Granny was ahead of him – he did get a surprise!!  After we both came home, Ian and Alison continued to do one of his favourite things, travelling.  In Albuquerque he passed away peacefully.  I miss him terribly as we emailed practically daily and talked weekly, for all the years he and Alison were married.  Alison and I carry on this tradition, happily!

Again Moira and the three younger children invited me to join them on a week’s cruise round the Canaries – wonderful, though I   had thought I would not think a lot of such a large boat!  Then summer came, in name anyway!  My lovely visitors came and went, some now old friends, some new - all “enjoying” the worst summer weather EVER.  It went on and on till the very end of October, when the skies cleared, the temperatures rocketed and we had some weeks of marvellous weather – the days shortened and the clocks went back an hour and we were staring winter in the face!

My last visitors left before the brief summer weather began – Angela and Richard, you will see the sun again here!!  I did a bit of tidying in and out, went to Edinburgh for a few days and came back to yet more appalling weather, when gale after gale battered the coastline.  The only damage here was to the greenhouse – two big panes blown out….

Moira and Colin are well.  Moira is busier now, with frequent trips to London, in connection with her work.  Sam, 23 0n Dec 10th, graduated in July, with Moira , Catriona and I there to see him become a doctor.  He is now doing his two years hospital work and enjoying it.  Catriona will be 16 in April and is heading towards her first major exams in school and still enjoying all her dancing classes.  Sean, 12 , is now in High School too and loving it – and his football!  Daniel, 10, spent quite a lot of time here in the summer, sailing and discovering the “power” of the wee outboard engine!  He has one more year in Primary School….

Christmas I may well spend in Edinburgh, as it is always lovely to be beside the family then.  I usually come home for New Year, though, as most friends are here and I do get a lot of phone calls from relatives in New Zealand and Australia then….  New Year celebrations are still very much in vogue here, as they were when the village was young, a hundred and fifty++ years ago.  Lately the bonfire on the island, with fireworks, has become the hub just before the bells, and then people visit houses as they return home.  As I live at the other end of the village to the bonfire, I may pop in to a few houses en route!  But if it is a stormy night, I shall not venture out, preferring to visit friends on January 1 – or have them visit here!  It is always a bit of a lottery, but by January 3rd, everyone has usually seen everyone else….

I hope that you have had a trouble free year and that you and your family and friends will have a lovely festive time – Happy New Year when it comes!

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