Monday, November 09, 2015

November 9th, 2015

I've done it again - written a good deal and lost it.  This time I went to Google to check the spelling of Moira's little dog, a Shih Tzu, and my text vanished.  I thought I'd beat the jinx and write, not in word as usual, but straight on to the news page.  Well that does not work for me either!
Off I go again......

My last guests left on October 25th.  Angela and Richard, the good weather you have had many times before will return.....  I was heartily fed up apologising to visitors for the never ending rain and winds this summer - the worst in my memory and I've been here for fifty three years....
But my guests, bless them, patted me on the head and said they did not come north west for the weather, though we all knew it would have been a big bonus!

Today sunrise was at 07.51 and sunset 16.21 - had the sun been visible!!!   We have had strong winds too, but some very impressive skies.....
I always like to do some autumn cleaning, rather than the traditional spring clean and it has been done, with some very amusing times as I crossed my fingers that many, many pillowcases, blown up like balloons, would not take off and career down Loch Carron, or when it was a battle to unwind sheets from the washing lines!

The schools have a holiday in October and Catriona came north by train.   I was waiting when she jumped off the Inverness-Kyle train - followed by Sam!!!   The three of us had  lovely brief holiday, when we visited and shopped on the Isle of Skye (the shopping is a bit of a tradition now, in the Lochcarron Woolen Shop, when Sam renews his cords, shirts, etc. 

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